Bible Basics: Genesis 21
Genesis 21
God Never Lies
Verses 1–7: True to his word as always, God fulfills the promise to give Sarah and Abraham a son at the exact time he said he would. Abraham named him Isaac, meaning “he laughs.”* He keeps walking in faithful obedience by circumcising Isaac on the eighth day, signifying that Isaac would belong to God like the rest of Abraham's household. Both Abraham (now 100 years old) and Sarah (90) recognize the miraculous nature of Isaac's birth. Although Sarah laughed at God's promise the previous year, she now laughs for joy over giving birth at such an old age.
God Brings Good, Even in the Really Tough Stuff
8–10: A few years later, Abraham celebrates Isaac’s weaning with a great feast. This was common in ancient Eastern cultures, where infant mortality rates were high and reaching toddlerhood was a significant milestone. Rather than celebrating the miracle of Isaac’s life, though, Ishmael mocks the occasion and his brother. Sarah angrily responds by telling Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away; she knows that God's promise of blessing to Abraham will come exclusively through Isaac, and she's just fine with that!
11–13: God calms Abraham’s distress over the prospect of sending his son away. He encourages Abraham to listen to Sarah; God’s promise of blessing will come through Isaac, but he will make Ishmael great as well.
God Is Our Ultimate Safety Net in Life
14–16: So Abraham listens to God and sends Hagar and Ishmael away with provisions. However, the water doesn't last on their trip through the desert of Beersheba (in modern-day southern Israel).*** In resignation, Hagar lays a weakened Ishmael under a bush to die. She moves a short distance away and heartbroken, breaks down, sobbing.
17–21: Seeing her tears and Ishmael's as well, God reaches out to Hagar with comfort and encouragement. He shares with her the same promise of Ishmael’s blessing that he spoke to Abraham, tells her not to fear, and directs her to help Ishmael get up and moving. To anyone who chooses to entrust their lives to him, God sends the same message today: I’m with you. I’m for you. Keep moving—have faith!
She does, and lo and behold, all that they need appears right before them. God’s constant presence and goodness remains with them throughout Ishmael’s growing years.
Let God Be God, and He’ll Have Your Back for a Lifetime
22–24: King Abimelech visits Abraham, who's still living in Abimelech’s domain. The king can see God's favor in Abraham's life and wisely wants to be on the right side of blessing. He asks Abraham to commit to kindness toward him and his descendants, and Abraham pledges to do so.
25–34: Abraham informs Abimelech that his servants have seized a well Abraham dug. As an act of good faith, Abraham offers Abimelech seven lambs and some cattle as proof. Abimelech accepts, and Abraham is able to reclaim the well. Their agreement is ratified at Beersheba, and Abraham plants a tamarisk tree in remembrance of the occasion and God's faithful presence, protection, and provision in his life.
* from the footnote on Genesis 21:3, New International Version 1984